Quantum Break Wiki
Bobby Radford Riverport Radio Show
Type Audio
Subject Port Donnelly Bridge Blockade
Author Bobby Radford, Greg Lawrence
Date October 9th, 2016
Time Unknown
Act Act 4: The Secret History of Time Travel
Part Act 4, Part 1: Port Donnelly Bridge
Location Inside Building under construction
Previous Bobby Radford Riverport Radio Show 6 (Hardline)
Next Bobby Radford Riverport Radio Show 8 (Hardline)

Bobby Radford Riverport Radio Show 7 is a audio Narrative Object found in Act 4, Part 1 of Quantum Break. The audio is the seventh of twelve radio shows hosted by Bobby Radford and only appears if the "Hardline" option is chosen.


BOBBY RADFORD: All right, Bobby’s back, and we’re getting reports of more and more of these Monarch roadblocks springing up all over town. What the hell is going on in Riverport tonight? We’ve got a truck driver from Lucky Joe’s Treasure Trove on the line. Greg Lawrence, talk to me.

GREG LAWRENCE: Yeah, I’m out here by Port Donnelly Bridge. Monarch’s got the whole goddamn place locked down. Now they’re trying to inspect my truck--

RADFORD: Oh, Bullshit alarm! No! These guys aren’t police, this ain’t the FBI. You got crap to deliver, then you hit the gas and push on through, my man! Monarch's got no authority to stop you, and you tell that to everybody on that bridge! What would Lucky Joe think, Greg, huh? Joe needs his goods!

GREG LAWRENCE: Yeah! That’s -- that’s what I said, but they’re not letting me go!--

RADFORD: You know, just a little while ago we were getting reports of some kind of explosion at the Monarch mansion at Gull Island. This is the third event in, what, a, uh, day or so that links Monarch to explosions and disasters and civilian casualties. Where are the police? Huh?! Where are they?! You don't let them search a damn thing! I've been trying to get somebody from Monarch on the line for a full day now. No comment. Riverport PD? No comment. I'm hearing "no comment" a helluva lot tonight. I want answers! You should too.

We'll be back right after this.

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